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Invertebrate Zoology (Zoo 3104)

Course Description (Zoo 3104): Invertebrates comprise the vast majority of living animals and protozoa. The main objective of this course is for students to gain an understanding of the basic structure, function, life history, and ecology of major invertebrate groups and to identify important evolutionary trends.


Lecture Syllabus and Syllabus Attachment

Laboratory Syllabus

Week 1

Lecture 1 Introduction to the Burgess Shale

Lecture 2 Invertebrate Bauplan

Lecture 3/Lab 1 What is an invertebrate I

Week 2

Lecture 4/Lab 2 What is an invertebrate II

Week 3

Lecture 5-6 Protozoa/Lab 3

Lecture 7-9 Protozoa

Gould WA I

Week 4

Lecture 10 Sponges

Week 5

Lecture 11 Sponges III

Lecture 12 Placoza and Mezozoa

Week 6

Lecture 13 Cnidarians I and II

Lecture 14 and 15 Cnidarians III and Ctenophora

Week 7

Lecture 17 Inro tor flatworms and planarians

Lecture 18 Trematodes I

Lecture 20 Monogenea I and Gould WA II see templet

Week 8

Lecture 21 Monogenea II

Lecture 22 Cestodes I

Week 9

Lecture 23 Lophotrycozoans I

Lecture 24 Acanths and Gastrotrichs

Week 10

Gould WA III see templet

Lab practical I review

Week 11

Lecture 25 Nemerteans

Lecture 26 Annelids I

Information for Paper including citation format for Exam II

Week 12

Lecture 27 Annelids I

Lecture 28 Mollusca I

Gould WA IV see templet

Week 13

Lectures 29 and 30 Mollusca II and III

Favorite Burgess Shale Animal Choice of Topic

Week 14

Lecture 32-33 Ecdysozoa and Nematodes

Week 15

Lecture 34 Nematomorpha

Lecture 36 Onychophora and Tardigrada

Gould WA V

Week 16

Lecture 37 Arthropods I and II

Lecture 38 Arthropods III

Lab practical Review II